Saturday, February 28, 2009


這兩天在找特價或是二手的微波爐,看到一款Walmart特價中的會說話的微波爐 (9x塊其實還是很貴,我在找30塊左右的,或是有善心人士捐贈也可。)

So, 我本著讀書人好奇心的驅使下研究了一下,為何這款我沒聽過的牌子的微波爐大受美國鄉民好評?!一開始我只是覺得美國人也太妙了竟然做出這種東西來,還有這麼多人喜歡這種說話的功能?!外型是不錯~~但有這麼無聊嗎??


  • I purchased this product because of its appearance, but when I received it, I was even happier to find out that it also talks! :)
  • the kids love it, a talking microwave
  • This purchase was great...It was affordable compared to what else was out there. I like the talking feature it has instead of the normal beeps a microwave would make.


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